Category List – The Ellery Queen Award

* Bold records denote winners

Total Records Found: 35, showing 100 per page
Award YearAward CategoryTitleAuthor's NamePublisher/ProducerNotes
2025 The Ellery Queen Award Peter Wolverton VP, Executive Editor - St. Martin's Press
2024 The Ellery Queen Award Michaela Hamilton Executive Editor, Kensington Publishing
2023 The Ellery Queen Award The Strand Magazine
2022 The Ellery Queen Award Juliet Grames SVP, Associate Publisher - Soho Crime
2021 The Ellery Queen Award Reagan Arthur
2020 The Ellery Queen Award Kelley Ragland
2019 The Ellery Queen Award Linda Landrigan Editor, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine
2018 The Ellery Queen Award Robert Pepin
2017 The Ellery Queen Award Neil Nyren
2016 The Ellery Queen Award Janet A. Rudolph Mystery Readers Journal editor
2015 The Ellery Queen Award Charles Ardai Hard Case Crime
2012 The Ellery Queen Award Joe Meyers Connecticut Post/Hearst Media News Group
2010 The Ellery Queen Award Poisoned Pen Press Barbara Peters, Robert Rosenwald
2006 The Ellery Queen Award Brian Skupin Comment: Co-Publisher of Mystery Scene Magazine
2006 The Ellery Queen Award Kate Stine Comment: Co-Publisher of Mystery Scene Magazine
2005 The Ellery Queen Award Carolyn Marino Comment: Vice President/Executive Editor, HarperCollins
2003 The Ellery Queen Award Ed Gorman
2002 The Ellery Queen Award Janet Hutchings Comment: Respectively: Editor of ELLERY QUEEN MYSTERY MAGAZINE
2002 The Ellery Queen Award Cathleen Jordan Comment: Editor of ALFRED HITCHCOCK MYSTERY MAGAZINE
2001 The Ellery Queen Award Douglas G. Greene Crippen & Landru
2000 The Ellery Queen Award Susanne Kirk
1999 The Ellery Queen Award Sara Ann Freed
1998 The Ellery Queen Award Hiroshi Hayakawa Comment: President of Hayakawa Publishing
1997 The Ellery Queen Award Francois Guerif
1996 The Ellery Queen Award Jacques Barzun
1995 The Ellery Queen Award Martin Greenberg
1994 The Ellery Queen Award Otto Penzler
1992 The Ellery Queen Award Margaret Norton
1990 The Ellery Queen Award Joel Davis
1989 The Ellery Queen Award Richard Levinson
1989 The Ellery Queen Award William Link
1988 The Ellery Queen Award Ruth Cavin
1987 The Ellery Queen Award Eleanor Sullivan
1985 The Ellery Queen Award Joan Kahn
1983 The Ellery Queen Award Emma Lathen Comment: AKA: Mary Jane Latsis and Martha Henissart