* Bold records denote winners
Award Year | Award Category | Title | Author's Name | Publisher/Producer | Notes |
1985 | Best Juvenile | Night Cry | Phyllis Reynolds Naylor | Atheneum | |
1985 | Best Juvenile | Chameleon the Spy and the Case of the Vanishing Jewels | Diane Redfield Massie | Harper & Row | |
1985 | Best Juvenile | The Ghosts of Now | Joan Lowery Nixon | Delacorte Press | |
1985 | Best Juvenile | The Island on Bird Street | Uri Orlev | Houghton Mifflin | |
1985 | Best Juvenile | The Third Eye | Lois Duncan | Little, Brown | |
1984 | Best Juvenile | The Callender Papers | Cynthia Voigt | Atheneum | |
1984 | Best Juvenile | Shadrach's Crossing | Avi | Pantheon | |
1984 | Best Juvenile | The Dollhouse Murders | Betty Ren Wright | Holiday House | |
1984 | Best Juvenile | The Griffin Legacy | Jan O'Donnell Klaveness | Macmillan | |
1984 | Best Juvenile | The Maze Stone | Eileen Dunlop | Coward-McCann | |
1983 | Best Juvenile | The Murder of Hound Dog Bates | Robbie Branscum | Viking | |
1983 | Best Juvenile | Cadbury's Coffin | Glendon Swarthout, Kathryn Swarthout | Doubleday | |
1983 | Best Juvenile | Clone Catcher | Alfred Slote | Lippincott | |
1983 | Best Juvenile | Kept in the Dark | Nina Bawden | Lothrop, Lee & Shepard | |
1983 | Best Juvenile | The Case of the Cop Catchers | Terrance Dicks | Lodestar-Dutton | |
1982 | Best Juvenile | Taking Terri Mueller | Norma Fox Mazer | Avon | |
1982 | Best Juvenile | Detective Mole and the Halloween Mystery | Robert Quackenbush | Lothrop, Lee & Shepard | |
1982 | Best Juvenile | Detour to Danger | Eva-Lis Wuorio | Delacorte Press | |
1982 | Best Juvenile | Hoops | Walter Dean Myers | Delacorte Press | |
1982 | Best Juvenile | Village of the Vampire Cat | Lensey Namioka | Delacorte Press | |
1981 | Best Juvenile | The Seance | Joan Lowery Nixon | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | |
1981 | Best Juvenile | More Minden Curses | Willo Davis Roberts | Atheneum | |
1981 | Best Juvenile | The Doggone Mystery | Mary Blount Christian | Albert Whitman | |
1981 | Best Juvenile | We Dare Not Go A-Hunting | Charlotte MacLeod | Atheneum | |
1981 | Best Juvenile | When No One Was Looking | Rosemary Wells | Dial | |
1980 | Best Juvenile | The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore | Joan Lowery Nixon | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | |
1980 | Best Juvenile | Chameleon Was a Spy | Diane Redfield Massie | Crowell | |
1980 | Best Juvenile | Mystery Cottage in Left Field | Remus F. Caroselli | Putnam | |
1980 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Eagle's Claw | Frances Wosmek | Westminster Press | |
1980 | Best Juvenile | The Whispered Horse | Lynn Hall | Follett | |
1979 | Best Juvenile | Alone in Wolf Hollow | Dana Brookins | Seabury Press | |
1979 | Best Juvenile | Emily Upham's Revenge | Avi | Pantheon | |
1979 | Best Juvenile | The Bassumtyte Treasure | Jean Louise Curry | Atheneum | |
1979 | Best Juvenile | The Case of the Secret Scribbler | E.W. Hildick | Macmillan | |
1979 | Best Juvenile | The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher | Judith St. George | Putnam | |
1978 | Best Juvenile | A Really Weird Summer | Eloise Jarvis McGraw | Atheneum | |
1978 | Best Juvenile | Miss Nelson Is Missing! | Harry Allard, James Marshall | Houghton Mifflin | |
1978 | Best Juvenile | Night Spell | Robert Newman | Atheneum | |
1978 | Best Juvenile | Poor Tom's Ghost | Jean Louise Curry | Atheneum | |
1977 | Best Juvenile | Are You in the House Alone? | Richard Peck | Viking | |
1977 | Best Juvenile | Mr. Moon's Last Case | Brian Patten | Scribners | |
1977 | Best Juvenile | The Chalk Cross | Berthe Amoss | Seabury Press | |
1977 | Best Juvenile | The Master Puppeteer | Katherine Peterson | Crowell | |
1977 | Best Juvenile | Wiley and the Hairy Man | Molly Garrett Bang | Macmillan | |
1976 | Best Juvenile | Z for Zachariah | Robert C. O'Brien | Atheneum | |
1976 | Best Juvenile | Great Steamboat Mystery | Richard Scarry | Random House | |
1976 | Best Juvenile | No More Magic | Avi | Pantheon | |
1976 | Best Juvenile | The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues | Ellen Raskin | Dutton | |
1975 | Best Juvenile | The Dangling Witness | Jay Bennett | Delacorte Press | |
1975 | Best Juvenile | Fire in the Stone | Colin Thiele | Harper & Row | |
1975 | Best Juvenile | Here Lies the Body | Scott Corbett | Atlantic-Little, Brown | |
1975 | Best Juvenile | The Girl in the Grove | David Severn | Harper & Row | |
1975 | Best Juvenile | The Mysterious Red Tape Gang | Joan Lowery Nixon | Putnam | |
1974 | Best Juvenile | The Long Black Coat | Jay Bennett | Delacorte Press | |
1974 | Best Juvenile | Dreamland Lake | Richard Peck | Holt, Rinehart & Winston | |
1974 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Scowling Boy | Phyllis A. Whitney | Westminster Press | |
1974 | Best Juvenile | The Secret of the Seven Crows | Wylly Folk St. John | Viking | |
1973 | Best Juvenile | Deathwatch | Robb White | Doubleday | |
1973 | Best Juvenile | Catch a Killer | George A. Woods | Harper & Row | |
1973 | Best Juvenile | Elizabeth's Tower | A.C. Stewart | S.G. Phillips | |
1973 | Best Juvenile | Uncle Robert's Secret | Wylly Folk St. John | Viking | |
1972 | Best Juvenile | Nightfall | Joan Aiken | Holt, Rinehart & Winston | |
1972 | Best Juvenile | Goody Hall | Natalie Babbitt | Farrar, Straus, Giroux | |
1972 | Best Juvenile | Mystery in Wales | Mabel Esther Allan | Vanguard | |
1972 | Best Juvenile | The Ghost of Ballyhooly | Betty Cavanna | Wm. Morrow | |
1971 | Best Juvenile | The Intruder | John Rowe Townsend | Lippincott | |
1971 | Best Juvenile | The Mystery Man | Scott Corbett | Little, Brown | |
1971 | Best Juvenile | The Secret of the Misiing Footprint | Phyllis A. Whitney | Westminster Press | |
1970 | Best Juvenile | Danger at Black Dyke | Winfred Finlay | S.G. Phillips | |
1970 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Witch Who Wouldn't | Kin Platt | Chilton | |
1970 | Best Juvenile | Spice Island Mystery | Betty Cavanna | Wm. Morrow | |
1970 | Best Juvenile | They Never Came Home | Lois Duncan | Doubleday | |
1969 | Best Juvenile | The House of Dies Drear | Virginia Hamilton | Macmillan | |
1969 | Best Juvenile | Forgery! | Phyllis Bentley | Doubleday | |
1969 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Fat Cat | Frank Bonham | Dutton | |
1969 | Best Juvenile | Smugglers' Road | Hal G. Evarts | Scribners | |
1968 | Best Juvenile | Signpost to Terror | Gretchen Sprague | Dodd, Mead | |
1968 | Best Juvenile | The Secret of the Missing Boat | Paul Berna | Pantheon | |
1968 | Best Juvenile | The Witches' Bridge | Barbee Oliver Carleton | Holt, Rinehart & Winston | |
1967 | Best Juvenile | Sinbad and Me | Kin Platt | Chilton | |
1967 | Best Juvenile | Danger Beats the Drum | Arnold Madison | Holt, Rinehart & Winston | |
1967 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Red Tide | Frank Bonham | Dutton | |
1967 | Best Juvenile | Ransom | Lois Duncan | Doubleday | |
1966 | Best Juvenile | The Mystery of 22 East | Leon Ware | Westminster Press | |
1966 | Best Juvenile | Secret of the Haunted Crags | Lawrence J. Hunt | Funk & Wagnalls | |
1966 | Best Juvenile | The Apache Gold Mystery | Eileen Thompson | Abelard-Schuman | |
1966 | Best Juvenile | The Secret of the Simple Code | Nancy Faulkner | Doubleday | |
1965 | Best Juvenile | Mystery at Crane's Landing | Marcella Thum | Dodd, Mead | |
1965 | Best Juvenile | A Spell is Cast | Eleanor Cameron | Little, Brown | |
1965 | Best Juvenile | Private Eyes | Leo Kingman | Doubleday | |
1965 | Best Juvenile | Treasure River | Hal G. Evarts | Scribners | |
1964 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Hidden Hand | Phyllis A. Whitney | Westminster Press | |
1964 | Best Juvenile | Honor Bound | Frank Bonham | Crowell | |
1964 | Best Juvenile | Mystery of the Velvet Box | Margaret Scherf | Watts | |
1963 | Best Juvenile | Cutlass Island | Scott Corbett | Little, Brown | |
1963 | Best Juvenile | The Diamond in the Window | Jane Langton | Harper & Row | |
1963 | Best Juvenile | The House on Charlton Street | Dola de Jong | Scribners | |
1963 | Best Juvenile | The Mystery of Ghost Valley | Harriett Carr | Macmillan | |
1962 | Best Juvenile | The Phantom of Walkaway Hill | Edward Fenton | Doubleday | |
1962 | Best Juvenile | The Secret of the Tiger's Eye | Phyllis A. Whitney | Westminster Press |