Category List – Best Juvenile

* Bold records denote winners

Total Records Found: 301, showing 100 per page
Award YearAward CategoryTitleAuthor's NamePublisher/ProducerNotes
1985 Best Juvenile Night Cry Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Atheneum
1985 Best Juvenile Chameleon the Spy and the Case of the Vanishing Jewels Diane Redfield Massie Harper & Row
1985 Best Juvenile The Ghosts of Now Joan Lowery Nixon Delacorte Press
1985 Best Juvenile The Island on Bird Street Uri Orlev Houghton Mifflin
1985 Best Juvenile The Third Eye Lois Duncan Little, Brown
1984 Best Juvenile The Callender Papers Cynthia Voigt Atheneum
1984 Best Juvenile Shadrach's Crossing Avi Pantheon
1984 Best Juvenile The Dollhouse Murders Betty Ren Wright Holiday House
1984 Best Juvenile The Griffin Legacy Jan O'Donnell Klaveness Macmillan
1984 Best Juvenile The Maze Stone Eileen Dunlop Coward-McCann
1983 Best Juvenile The Murder of Hound Dog Bates Robbie Branscum Viking
1983 Best Juvenile Cadbury's Coffin Glendon Swarthout, Kathryn Swarthout Doubleday
1983 Best Juvenile Clone Catcher Alfred Slote Lippincott
1983 Best Juvenile Kept in the Dark Nina Bawden Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
1983 Best Juvenile The Case of the Cop Catchers Terrance Dicks Lodestar-Dutton
1982 Best Juvenile Taking Terri Mueller Norma Fox Mazer Avon
1982 Best Juvenile Detective Mole and the Halloween Mystery Robert Quackenbush Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
1982 Best Juvenile Detour to Danger Eva-Lis Wuorio Delacorte Press
1982 Best Juvenile Hoops Walter Dean Myers Delacorte Press
1982 Best Juvenile Village of the Vampire Cat Lensey Namioka Delacorte Press
1981 Best Juvenile The Seance Joan Lowery Nixon Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1981 Best Juvenile More Minden Curses Willo Davis Roberts Atheneum
1981 Best Juvenile The Doggone Mystery Mary Blount Christian Albert Whitman
1981 Best Juvenile We Dare Not Go A-Hunting Charlotte MacLeod Atheneum
1981 Best Juvenile When No One Was Looking Rosemary Wells Dial
1980 Best Juvenile The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore Joan Lowery Nixon Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1980 Best Juvenile Chameleon Was a Spy Diane Redfield Massie Crowell
1980 Best Juvenile Mystery Cottage in Left Field Remus F. Caroselli Putnam
1980 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Eagle's Claw Frances Wosmek Westminster Press
1980 Best Juvenile The Whispered Horse Lynn Hall Follett
1979 Best Juvenile Alone in Wolf Hollow Dana Brookins Seabury Press
1979 Best Juvenile Emily Upham's Revenge Avi Pantheon
1979 Best Juvenile The Bassumtyte Treasure Jean Louise Curry Atheneum
1979 Best Juvenile The Case of the Secret Scribbler E.W. Hildick Macmillan
1979 Best Juvenile The Halloween Pumpkin Smasher Judith St. George Putnam
1978 Best Juvenile A Really Weird Summer Eloise Jarvis McGraw Atheneum
1978 Best Juvenile Miss Nelson Is Missing! Harry Allard, James Marshall Houghton Mifflin
1978 Best Juvenile Night Spell Robert Newman Atheneum
1978 Best Juvenile Poor Tom's Ghost Jean Louise Curry Atheneum
1977 Best Juvenile Are You in the House Alone? Richard Peck Viking
1977 Best Juvenile Mr. Moon's Last Case Brian Patten Scribners
1977 Best Juvenile The Chalk Cross Berthe Amoss Seabury Press
1977 Best Juvenile The Master Puppeteer Katherine Peterson Crowell
1977 Best Juvenile Wiley and the Hairy Man Molly Garrett Bang Macmillan
1976 Best Juvenile Z for Zachariah Robert C. O'Brien Atheneum
1976 Best Juvenile Great Steamboat Mystery Richard Scarry Random House
1976 Best Juvenile No More Magic Avi Pantheon
1976 Best Juvenile The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues Ellen Raskin Dutton
1975 Best Juvenile The Dangling Witness Jay Bennett Delacorte Press
1975 Best Juvenile Fire in the Stone Colin Thiele Harper & Row
1975 Best Juvenile Here Lies the Body Scott Corbett Atlantic-Little, Brown
1975 Best Juvenile The Girl in the Grove David Severn Harper & Row
1975 Best Juvenile The Mysterious Red Tape Gang Joan Lowery Nixon Putnam
1974 Best Juvenile The Long Black Coat Jay Bennett Delacorte Press
1974 Best Juvenile Dreamland Lake Richard Peck Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1974 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Scowling Boy Phyllis A. Whitney Westminster Press
1974 Best Juvenile The Secret of the Seven Crows Wylly Folk St. John Viking
1973 Best Juvenile Deathwatch Robb White Doubleday
1973 Best Juvenile Catch a Killer George A. Woods Harper & Row
1973 Best Juvenile Elizabeth's Tower A.C. Stewart S.G. Phillips
1973 Best Juvenile Uncle Robert's Secret Wylly Folk St. John Viking
1972 Best Juvenile Nightfall Joan Aiken Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1972 Best Juvenile Goody Hall Natalie Babbitt Farrar, Straus, Giroux
1972 Best Juvenile Mystery in Wales Mabel Esther Allan Vanguard
1972 Best Juvenile The Ghost of Ballyhooly Betty Cavanna Wm. Morrow
1971 Best Juvenile The Intruder John Rowe Townsend Lippincott
1971 Best Juvenile The Mystery Man Scott Corbett Little, Brown
1971 Best Juvenile The Secret of the Misiing Footprint Phyllis A. Whitney Westminster Press
1970 Best Juvenile Danger at Black Dyke Winfred Finlay S.G. Phillips
1970 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Witch Who Wouldn't Kin Platt Chilton
1970 Best Juvenile Spice Island Mystery Betty Cavanna Wm. Morrow
1970 Best Juvenile They Never Came Home Lois Duncan Doubleday
1969 Best Juvenile The House of Dies Drear Virginia Hamilton Macmillan
1969 Best Juvenile Forgery! Phyllis Bentley Doubleday
1969 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Fat Cat Frank Bonham Dutton
1969 Best Juvenile Smugglers' Road Hal G. Evarts Scribners
1968 Best Juvenile Signpost to Terror Gretchen Sprague Dodd, Mead
1968 Best Juvenile The Secret of the Missing Boat Paul Berna Pantheon
1968 Best Juvenile The Witches' Bridge Barbee Oliver Carleton Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1967 Best Juvenile Sinbad and Me Kin Platt Chilton
1967 Best Juvenile Danger Beats the Drum Arnold Madison Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1967 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Red Tide Frank Bonham Dutton
1967 Best Juvenile Ransom Lois Duncan Doubleday
1966 Best Juvenile The Mystery of 22 East Leon Ware Westminster Press
1966 Best Juvenile Secret of the Haunted Crags Lawrence J. Hunt Funk & Wagnalls
1966 Best Juvenile The Apache Gold Mystery Eileen Thompson Abelard-Schuman
1966 Best Juvenile The Secret of the Simple Code Nancy Faulkner Doubleday
1965 Best Juvenile Mystery at Crane's Landing Marcella Thum Dodd, Mead
1965 Best Juvenile A Spell is Cast Eleanor Cameron Little, Brown
1965 Best Juvenile Private Eyes Leo Kingman Doubleday
1965 Best Juvenile Treasure River Hal G. Evarts Scribners
1964 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Hidden Hand Phyllis A. Whitney Westminster Press
1964 Best Juvenile Honor Bound Frank Bonham Crowell
1964 Best Juvenile Mystery of the Velvet Box Margaret Scherf Watts
1963 Best Juvenile Cutlass Island Scott Corbett Little, Brown
1963 Best Juvenile The Diamond in the Window Jane Langton Harper & Row
1963 Best Juvenile The House on Charlton Street Dola de Jong Scribners
1963 Best Juvenile The Mystery of Ghost Valley Harriett Carr Macmillan
1962 Best Juvenile The Phantom of Walkaway Hill Edward Fenton Doubleday
1962 Best Juvenile The Secret of the Tiger's Eye Phyllis A. Whitney Westminster Press