Category List – Best First Novel

* Bold records denote winners

Total Records Found: 354, showing 100 per page
Award YearAward CategoryTitleAuthor's NamePublisher/ProducerNotes
1987 Best First Novel Riceburner Richard Hyer Scribners
1986 Best First Novel When the Bough Breaks Jonathan Kellerman Atheneum
1986 Best First Novel Sleeping Dog Dick Lochte Arbor House
1986 Best First Novel The Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man Daniel Stashower Wm. Morrow
1986 Best First Novel The Glory Hole Murders Tony Fennelly Carroll & Graf
1985 Best First Novel Strike Three, You're Dead R.D. Rosen Walker
1985 Best First Novel A Creative Kind of Killer Jack Early Franklin Watts
1985 Best First Novel Foul Shot Doug Hornig Scribners
1985 Best First Novel Someone Else's Grave Alison Smith St. Martin's Press
1985 Best First Novel Sweet, Savage Death Orania Papazoglou Doubleday
1984 Best First Novel The Bay Psalm Book Murder Will Harriss Walker
1984 Best First Novel Caroline Minuscule Andrew Taylor Dodd, Mead
1984 Best First Novel Dead Man's Thoughts Carolyn Wheat St. Martin's Press
1984 Best First Novel Red Diamond, Private Eye Mark Schorr St. Martin's Press
1984 Best First Novel The Gold Solution Herbert Resnicow St. Martin's Press
1983 Best First Novel The Butcher'sBoy Thomas Perry Scribners
1983 Best First Novel By Frequent Anguish S.F.X. Dean Walker
1983 Best First Novel In the Heat of the Summer John Katzenbach Atheneum
1983 Best First Novel Two If By Sea Ernest Savage Scribners
1983 Best First Novel Unholy Communion Richard Hughes Doubleday
1982 Best First Novel Chiefs Stuart Woods W.W. Norton & Co.
1982 Best First Novel Giant Killer Vernon Tom Hyman Marek
1982 Best First Novel Murder at the Red October Anthony Olcott Academy Chicago
1982 Best First Novel Not A Through Street Ernest Larsen Random House
1982 Best First Novel The Black Glove Geoffrey Miller Viking
1981 Best First Novel The Watcher K. Nolte Smith Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
1981 Best First Novel Double Negative David Carkeet Dial
1981 Best First Novel The Other Ann Fletcher Susanne Jaffe NAL
1981 Best First Novel The Rembrandt Panel Oliver Banks Little, Brown
1981 Best First Novel Winds of the Old Days Betsy Aswald Dial
1980 Best First Novel The Lasko Tangent Richard North Patterson W.W. Norton & Co.
1980 Best First Novel Follow the Leader John Logue Crown
1980 Best First Novel Night Trains Peter Heath Fine Lippincott
1979 Best First Novel Killed in the Ratings William L. DeAndrea Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1979 Best First Novel Blood Secrets Craig Jones Harper & Row
1979 Best First Novel Falling Angel William Hjortsberg Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1979 Best First Novel The Memory of Eva Ryker Donald A. Stanwood Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
1979 Best First Novel The Scourge Thomas L. Dunne Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
1978 Best First Novel A French Finish Robert Ross Putnam
1978 Best First Novel Dewey Decimated Charles A. Goodrum Crown
1978 Best First Novel The Fan Bob Randall Random House
1977 Best First Novel The Thomas Berryman Number James Patterson Little, Brown
1977 Best First Novel Final Proof Marie R. Reno Harper & Row
1977 Best First Novel Straight Steve Knickmeyer Random House
1977 Best First Novel The Big Pay-Off Janice Law Houghton Mifflin
1977 Best First Novel Your Day in the Barrel Alan Furst Atheneum
1976 Best First Novel The Alvarez Journal Rex Burns Harper & Row
1976 Best First Novel Harmattan Thomas Klop Bobbs-Merrill
1976 Best First Novel Paperback Thriller Lynn Meyer Random House
1976 Best First Novel The Devalino Caper A.J. Russell Random House
1976 Best First Novel Waltz Across Texas Max Crawford Farrar, Straus, Giroux
1975 Best First Novel Fletch Gregory McDonald Bobbs-Merrill
1975 Best First Novel Saturday Games Brown Meggs Random House
1975 Best First Novel Target Practice Nicholas Meyer Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1975 Best First Novel The Jones Man Vern E. Smith Henry Regnery
1975 Best First Novel The Kreutzman Formula Dominic Koski, Virgil Scott Simon & Schuster
1974 Best First Novel The Billion Dollar Sure Thing Paul E. Erdman Scribners
1974 Best First Novel Kicked to Death by a Camel Clarence Jackson Harper & Row
1974 Best First Novel Man on a String Michael Wolfe Harper & Row
1974 Best First Novel Many Happy Returns Justin Scott David McKay
1974 Best First Novel Someone's Death Charles Larson Lippincott
1973 Best First Novel Squaw Point R.H. Shimer Harper & Row
1973 Best First Novel A Person Shouldn't Die Like That Arthur Goldstein Random House
1973 Best First Novel Box 100 Frank Leonard Harper & Row
1973 Best First Novel The Dead of Winter William H. Hallahan Bobbs-Merrill
1973 Best First Novel The Heart of the Dog Thomas A. Roberts Random House
1972 Best First Novel Finding Maubee A.H.Z. Carr Putnam
1972 Best First Novel Ask the Right Question Michael Lewin Putnam
1972 Best First Novel Gypsy in Amber Martin Cruz Smith Putnam
1972 Best First Novel The Stalker Bill Pronzini Random House
1972 Best First Novel To Spite Her Face Hildegarde Dolson Lippincott
1971 Best First Novel The Anderson Tapes Lawrence Sanders Putnam
1971 Best First Novel Incident at 125th Street J.E. Brown Doubleday
1971 Best First Novel Taking Gary Feldman Stanley Cohen Putnam
1971 Best First Novel The Blessing Way Tony Hillerman Harper & Row
1971 Best First Novel The Naked Face Sidney Sheldon Wm. Morrow
1970 Best First Novel A Time for Predators Joe Gores Random House
1970 Best First Novel Quicksand Myrick Land Harper & Row
1970 Best First Novel You'll Like My Mother Naomi Hintze Putnam
1969 Best First Novel The Bait Dorothy Uhnak Simon & Schuster
1969 Best First Novel Silver Street E. Richard Johnson Harper & Row
1969 Best First Novel The Dinosaur Lawrence Kamarck Random House
1968 Best First Novel Act of Fear Michael Collins Dodd, Mead
1968 Best First Novel Hell Gate James Dawson McKay
1968 Best First Novel Mortissimo P.E.H. Dunston Random House
1968 Best First Novel The Killing Season John Redgate Trident
1968 Best First Novel The Tigers Are Hungry Charles Early Wm. Morrow
1967 Best First Novel The Cold War Swap Ross Thomas Morrow
1967 Best First Novel A Kind of Treason Robert S. Elegant Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1967 Best First Novel Fancy's Knell Babs Deal Doubleday
1967 Best First Novel The Pedestal George Lanning Harper & Row
1966 Best First Novel In The Heat of the Night John Ball Harper & Row
1966 Best First Novel Before the Ball Was Over Alexandra Roudybush Doubleday
1966 Best First Novel The Expendable Spy Jack D. Hunter Dutton
1966 Best First Novel The French Doll Vincent McConner Hill & Wang
1965 Best First Novel Friday the Rabbi Slept Late Harry Kemelman Crown
1965 Best First Novel In the Last Analysis Amanda Cross Macmillan
1965 Best First Novel The Gravemaker's House Rubin Weber Harper & Row
1964 Best First Novel Florentine Finish Cornelius Hirschberg Harper & Row
1964 Best First Novel The Fifth Woman H. Fagyas Doubleday