Category List – Best Novel

* Bold records denote winners

Total Records Found: 359, showing 100 per page
Award YearAward CategoryTitleAuthor's NamePublisher/ProducerNotes
1988 Best Novel Old Bones Aaron Elkins Mysterious Press
1988 Best Novel A Trouble of Fools Linda Barnes St. Martin's Press
1988 Best Novel Nursery Crimes B.M. Gill Scribners
1988 Best Novel Rough Cider Peter Lovesey Mysterious Press
1988 Best Novel The Corpse in Oozak's Pond Charlotte MacLeod Mysterious Press
1987 Best Novel A Dark-Adapted Eye Barbara Vine Bantam
1987 Best Novel A Taste Of Death P.D. James Knopf
1987 Best Novel Come Morning Joe Gores Mysterious Press
1987 Best Novel The Blind Run Brian Freemantle Bantam
1987 Best Novel The Straight Man Roger L. Simon Villard
1986 Best Novel The Suspect L.R. Wright Viking
1986 Best Novel A Shock to the System Simon Brett Scribners
1986 Best Novel An Unkindness of Ravens Ruth Rendell Pantheon
1986 Best Novel City of Glass: The New York Trilogy, Part 1 Paul Auster Sun & Moon Press
1986 Best Novel The Tree of Hands Ruth Rendell Pantheon
1985 Best Novel Briar Patch Ross Thomas Simon & Schuster
1985 Best Novel Chessplayer William Pearson Viking
1985 Best Novel Emily Dickinson is Dead Jane Langton St. Martin's Press
1985 Best Novel The Black Seraphim Michael Gilbert Harper & Row
1985 Best Novel The Twelfth Juror B.M. Gill Scribners
1984 Best Novel La Brava Elmore Leonard Arbor House
1984 Best Novel Texas Station Christopher Leach Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1984 Best Novel The Little Drummer Girl John le Carre Knopf
1984 Best Novel The Name of the Rose Umberto Eco Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1984 Best Novel The Papers of Tony Veitch William McIlvanney Pantheon
1983 Best Novel Billingsgate Shoal Rick Boyer Houghton Mifflin
1983 Best Novel Eight Million Ways to Die Lawrence Block Arbor House
1983 Best Novel Kahawa Donald E. Westlake Viking
1983 Best Novel Split Images Elmore Leonard Arbor House
1983 Best Novel The Captain Seymour Shubin Stein & Day
1982 Best Novel Peregrine William Bayer Congdon & Lattes
1982 Best Novel Bogmail Patrick McGinley Ticknor & Fields
1982 Best Novel Death in a Cold Climate Robert Barnard Scribners
1982 Best Novel Dupe Liza Cody Scribners
1982 Best Novel The Amateur Robert Littell Simon & Schuster
1982 Best Novel The Other Side of Silence Ted Allbeury Scribners
1981 Best Novel Whip Hand Dick Francis Harper & Row
1981 Best Novel Death Drop B.M. Gill Scribners
1981 Best Novel Death of a Literary Widow Robert Barnard Scribners
1981 Best Novel Man on Fire A.J. Quinnell Wm. Morrow
1981 Best Novel The Spy's Wife Reginald Hill Pantheon
1980 Best Novel The Rheingold Route Arthur Maling Harper & Row
1980 Best Novel A Coat of Varnish C.P. Snow Scribners
1980 Best Novel Death of a Mystery Writer Robert Barnard Scribners
1980 Best Novel Fire in the Barley Frank Parrish Dodd, Mead
1980 Best Novel Make Death Love Me Ruth Rendell Doubleday
1979 Best Novel The Eye of the Needle Ken Follett Arbor House
1979 Best Novel A Sleeping Life Ruth Rendell Doubleday
1979 Best Novel Listening Woman Tony Hillerman Harper & Row
1979 Best Novel The Shallow Grave Jack S. Scott Harper & Row
1979 Best Novel The Snake John Godey Putnam
1978 Best Novel Catch Me: Kill Me William H. Hallahan Bobbs-Merrill
1978 Best Novel Laidlaw William McIlvanney Pantheon
1978 Best Novel Nightwing Martin Cruz Smith W.W. Norton & Co.
1977 Best Novel Promised Land Robert B. Parker Houghton Mifflin
1977 Best Novel A Madness of the Heart Richard Neely Crowell
1977 Best Novel The Cavanaugh Quest Thomas Gifford Putnam
1977 Best Novel The Glory Boys Gerald Seymour Random House
1977 Best Novel The Main Trevanian Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1976 Best Novel Hopscotch Brian Garfield M. Evans
1976 Best Novel Harry's Game Gerald Seymour Random House
1976 Best Novel Operation Alcestic Maggie Rennert Prentice-Hall
1976 Best Novel The Gargoyle Conspiracy Marvin Albert Doubleday
1976 Best Novel The Money Harvest Ross Thomas Wm. Morrow
1975 Best Novel Peter's Pence Jon Cleary Wm. Morrow
1975 Best Novel Goodbye and Amen Francis Clifford Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1975 Best Novel The Lester Affair Andrew Garve Harper & Row
1975 Best Novel The Man Who Loved Zoos Malcolm Bosse Putnam
1975 Best Novel The Silver Bears Paul E. Erdman Scribners
1974 Best Novel Dance Hall of the Dead Tony Hillerman Harper & Row
1974 Best Novel Amigo, Amigo Francis Clifford Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
1974 Best Novel An Unsuitable Job for a Woman P.D. James Scribners
1974 Best Novel Dear Laura Jean Stubbs Stein & Day
1974 Best Novel The Rainbird Pattern Victor Canning Wm. Morrow
1973 Best Novel The Lingala Code Warren Kiefer Random House
1973 Best Novel Canto for a Gypsy Martin Cruz Smith Putnam
1973 Best Novel Five Pieces of Jade John Ball Little, Brown
1973 Best Novel The Shooting Gallery Hugh C. Rae Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
1973 Best Novel Tied Up in Tinsel Ngaio Marsh Little, Brown
1972 Best Novel The Day of the Jackal Frederick Forsyth Viking
1972 Best Novel Shroud for a Nightingale P.D. James Scribners
1972 Best Novel Sir, You Bastard G.F. Newman Simon & Schuster
1972 Best Novel The Fly on the Wall Tony Hillerman Harper & Row
1972 Best Novel Who Killed Enoch Powell? Arthur Wise Harper & Row
1971 Best Novel The Laughing Policeman Maj Sjowall, Per Wahloo Pantheon
1971 Best Novel Autumn of a Hunter Pat Stadley Random House
1971 Best Novel Beyond this Point Are Monsters Margaret Millar Random House
1971 Best Novel Many Deadly Returns Patricia Moyes Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1971 Best Novel The Hot Rock Donald E. Westlake Simon & Schuster
1971 Best Novel The Hound and the Fox and the Harper Shaun Herron Random House
1970 Best Novel Forfeit Dick Francis Harper & Row
1970 Best Novel Blind Man with a Pistol Chester Himes Wm. Morrow
1970 Best Novel Miro Shaun Herron Random House
1970 Best Novel The Old English Peep Show Peter Dickinson Harper & Row
1970 Best Novel When in Greece Emma Lathen Simon & Schuster
1970 Best Novel Where the Dark Streets Go Dorothy Salisbury Davis Scribners
1969 Best Novel A Case of Need Jeffery Hudson World
1969 Best Novel A Glass-Sided Ants' Nest Peter Dickinson Harper & Row
1969 Best Novel Blood Sport Dick Francis Harper & Row
1969 Best Novel God Speed the Night Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Jerome Ross Scribners