All Winners

Total Records Found: 1117, showing 100 per page
Award YearAward CategoryTitleAuthor's NamePublisher/ProducerNotes
1959 Best Short Story Over There, Darkness William O'Farrell Sleuth Volume: October '58
1959 Book Jacket Award Western Printing & Lithographing Co. Comment: for Dell book jackets
1959 Special Edgars American Murder Ballads Olive Wooley Burt Oxford University Press
1959 The Grand Master Rex Stout
1959 The Raven Award Lawrence G. Blochman Comment: for long and distinguished service to MWA and The Third Degree
1959 The Raven Award Frederic G. Melcher Comment: on his retirement after 35 years with Publishers Weekly
1959 The Raven Award Franklin Delano Roosevelt Comment: (posthumous) Reader of the Year, accepted by Eleanor Roosevelt
1958 Best Motion Picture Twelve Angry Men Reginald Rose Orion/Nova
1958 Best Novel Room to Swing Ed Lacy Harper
1958 Best Radio Drama The Galindez-Murphy Case: A Chronicle of Terror Jay MacMullen CBS
1958 Best Short Story The Secret of the Bottle Gerald Kersh Saturday Evening Post Volume: December 7 '57
1958 Book Jacket Award Harper Bros. Comment: for general excellence
1958 Book Jacket Award Dell Comment: for their Great Mystery Series book jackets
1958 The Grand Master Vincent Starrett
1958 Best Episode in a TV Series Mechanical Manhunt Harold Swanton NBC-TV Series: Alcoa Hour
1958 Best Fact Crime The D.A.'s Man Harold R. Danforth, James D. Horan Crown
1958 Best First Novel Knock and Wait a While William Rawle Weeks Houghton Mifflin
1957 Best Episode in a TV Series The Fine Art of Murder Sidney Carroll ABC Series: Omnibus
1957 Best Fact Crime Night Fell on Georgia Charles Samuels, Louise Samuels Dell
1957 Best First Novel Rebecca's Pride Donald McNutt Douglass Harper
1957 Best Novel A Dram of Poison Charlotte Armstrong Coward-McCann
1957 Best Short Story The Blessington Method Stanley Ellin Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Volume: June '56
1957 Book Jacket Award Inspector Maigret and the Burglar's Wife Doubleday Comment: hardcover
1957 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Curtis W. Casewit Denver Post
1957 Special Edgars Compulsion Meyer Levin Simon & Schuster
1957 The Raven Award Dorothy Kilgallen Comment: Reader of the Year
1956 Best Episode in a TV Series A Taste of Honey Alvin Sapinsley Jr. ABC Series: Elgin Hour
1956 Best Fact Crime Dead and Gone Manly Wade Wellman University of North Carolina Press
1956 Best First Novel The Perfectionist Lane Kauffman Lippincott
1956 Best Foreign film Diabolique Henri-Georges Clouzot Filmsonor
1956 Best Motion Picture The Desperate Hours Joseph Hayes Paramount
1956 Best Novel Beast in View Margaret Millar Random House
1956 Best Short Story Dream No More Philip MacDonald Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Volume: November '55
1956 Book Jacket Award Scribners
1955 Best Episode in a TV Series Smoke Gore Vidal CBS-TV Series: Suspense
1955 Best Fact Crime The Girl with the Scarlet Brand Charles Boswell, Lewis Thompson Fawcett
1955 Best First Novel Go, Lovely Rose Jean Potts Scribners
1955 Best Motion Picture Rear Window John Michael Hayes Paramount
1955 Best Novel The Long Goodbye Raymond Chandler Houghton Mifflin
1955 Best Play Witness for the Prosecution Agatha Christie
1955 Best Radio Drama The Tree Stanley Niss CBS Series: 21st Precinct
1955 Best Short Story The House Party Stanley Ellin Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Volume: May '54
1955 Book Jacket Award Berton Roueche Dell Comment: softcover
1955 Book Jacket Award Eleven Blue Men Little, Brown
1955 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Drexel Drake Chicago Tribune
1955 The Grand Master Agatha Christie
1954 Best Episode in a TV Series Crime at Blossom's Jerome Ross CBS-TV Series: Studio One
1954 Best Fact Crime Why Did They Kill? John Bartlow Martin Ballantine
1954 Best First Novel A Kiss Before Dying Ira Levin Simon & Schuster
1954 Best Motion Picture The Big Heat Sidney Boehm, William P. McGivern Columbia Comment: Boehm is the screenwriter, McGivern is the author of the novel
1954 Best Novel Beat Not the Bones Charlotte Jay Harper
1954 Best Radio Drama The Shot E. Jack Neuman CBS Series: Suspense
1954 Best Short Story Someone Like You Roald Dahl Knopf
1954 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Brett Halliday Westport Town Crier Comment: and other Connecticut papers
1954 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Helen McCloy Westport Town Crier Comment: and other Connecticut papers
1954 Special Edgars The Frightened Wife and Other Murder Stories Mary Roberts Rinehart Rinehart & Co.
1954 The Raven Award Dr. Thomas A. Gonzales Comment: retiring medical examiner, New York City
1954 The Raven Award Tom Lehrer Comment: for his mystery parodies
1954 The Raven Award Dr. Harrison Martland Comment: retiring medical examiner, Essex County, New Jersey
1953 Best Episode in a TV Series Dragnet Jack Webb NBC-TV Comment: and Michael Meshekoff, Producer
1953 Best Fact Crime Court of Last Resort Erle Stanley Gardner Wm. Sloane Association
1953 Best First Novel Don't Cry for Me William Campbell Gault Dutton
1953 Best Motion Picture Five Fingers Otto Lang, Michael G. Wilson Twentieth Century Fox Comment: Lang is the producer
1953 Best Play Dial M for Murder Frederick Knott
1953 Best Radio Drama The Mysterious Traveler Robert Arthur, David Kogan Mutual Broadcasting System
1953 Best Short Story Something to Hide Philip MacDonald Doubleday
1953 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Anthony Boucher New York Times Comment: and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
1953 The Raven Award E.T. Guymon Jr Comment: for his outstanding library of mystery literature
1952 Best Episode in a TV Series The Web Franklin Heller CBS-TV Comment: and Goodson-Todman, package producers of the show
1952 Best Fact Crime True Tales from the Annals of Crime and Rascality St. Clair McKelway Random House
1952 Best First Novel Strangle Hold Mary McMullen Harper
1952 Best Motion Picture Detective Story Sidney Kingsley, Robert Wyler, Philip Yordan Paramount Comment: Kingsley wrote the stage play on which the screen version was based, Wyler and Yordan were the screenwriters
1952 Best Radio Drama Dragnet James Moser, Jack Webb NBC
1952 Best Short Story Fancies and Goodnights John Collier Doubleday
1952 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Lenore Glen Offord San Francisco Chronicle Comment: for best overall mystery reviewing
1952 Special Edgars Queen Quorum: The 125 Most Important Books of Detective-Crime-Mystery Short Stories Frederic Dannay, Manfred B. Lee Biblo and Tannen
1951 Best Fact Crime Twelve Against Crime Edward D. Radin Putnam
1951 Best First Novel Nightmare in Manhattan Thomas Walsh Little, Brown
1951 Best Motion Picture Mr. 880 St. Clair McKelway Twentieth Century Fox Comment: Winner of a special award as the author of the novel
1951 Best Motion Picture The Asphalt Jungle Ben Maddow MGM
1951 Best Radio Drama Dragnet James Moser, Jack Webb NBC
1951 Best Short Story Diagnosis: Homicide Lawrence G. Blochman Lippincott
1951 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Dorothy B. Hughes Albuquerque Tribune Comment: and Los Angeles Daily News
1951 Special Edgars W.T. Brannon Comment: for general excellence in fact crime writing
1951 Special Edgars The Web Franklin Heller Comment: producer/director of MWA's TV show
1950 Best Fact Crime Bad Company Joseph Henry Jackson Harcourt, Brace & World
1950 Best First Novel What A Body Alan Green Simon & Schuster
1950 Best Motion Picture The Window Mel Dinelli, Cornell Woolrich RKO Comment: Woolrich wrote the novel FIRE ESCAPE, on which the movie was based
1950 Best Play Detective Story Sidney Kingsley
1950 Best Radio Drama Murder by Experts Robert Arthur, David Kogan Mutual Broadcasting System
1950 Outstanding Mystery Criticism Anthony Boucher New York Times Comment: and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
1950 Special Edgars Ellery Queen Comment: for ten years' service through Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
1950 Special Edgars The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle John Dickson Carr Harper & Row
1949 Best First Novel The Room Upstairs Mildred Davis Simon & Schuster
1949 Best Foreign film Quai des Orfevres Henri-Georges Clouzot Vog Films
1949 Best Motion Picture Call Northside 777 Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Henry Hathaway, Leonard Hoffman, Otto Lang, Quentin Reynolds Twentieth Century Fox Comment: Screenwriters: Reynolds, Hoffman, Dratler, Cady. Posthumous award for Cady. Hathaway was director. Lang produced
1949 Best Radio Drama Inner Sanctum John Roeburt CBS Comment: Himan Brown director/producer
1949 Outstanding Mystery Criticism James Sandoe Chicago Sun-Times
1949 Special Edgars Clayton Rawson Comment: for launching Clue magazine
1949 Special Edgars Marie Rodell Duell, Sloan & Pearce Comment: for her editorship of the Regional Murder series